NZALT 2024 Further Study Awards


The NZALT award aims to support teachers in New Zealand schools to upskill via masters or doctoral postgraduate study connected to improving teaching and learning languages.

Teachers can apply for financial assistance for further language teaching-related study costs of up to $5000 maximum. This funding is to support teachers with the payment of course fees, not for other related costs, e.g. travel and accommodation.

If you wish to apply, please complete the NZALT Further Study Award application form (published in 2025). You must also email the NZALT PLD coordinator  to let us know that you have applied.

The successful candidate will:

  • provide a clearly written proposal with sufficient details about study plans and goals
  • have a study focus which is relevant to language teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand


Rules and Criteria for NZALT Further Study Award
1. The successful applicant must use this award in 2025.

2. Applications for an award must state:
  • Name and school
  • Current position 
  • Description of course of study
  • Reason for applying for funds
  • Amount requested
  • Proposed ways of sharing benefits to colleagues and students.

3. Teachers receiving an award must supply NZALT Executive with a written report suitable for publishing on the NZALT website or in other relevant NZALT publications.

Where qualifications will take at least two years to complete, a short progress report should be submitted by the end of the academic year for which funding has been granted.  When the qualification is completed, a final report should be received within two months of the conclusion of study, or at the end of the academic year for which funding has been given.


4. The award must be granted for language teaching-related study at a New Zealand tertiary institution.


5. Successful recipients will receive the funds once NZALT has received confirmation of the course of study and associated costs.