Teaching Resources

This section provides resources for teaching and from professional development workshops such as LangSem.

Some of the resources are for NZALT members only - if you like to access these, please login with your membership password.  If you haven't logged in before, please follow the instructions here. If you still can't login, please contact membership@nzalt.org.nz.


Integrating e-tools into the languages classroom

- Google Site for NZALT PLD Resources -

If you like to access the Google Site for past NZALT webinar information and resources, please go to Integrating e-tools into the languages classroom.



Liam Printer - The Motivated Classroom

Here you can find Liam Printer's keynote recording, written notes, as well as answers to questions from the audience across New Zealand from our 2023 LangSems.



Resources for Languages Week

Follow below link to access the resources for Languages Week, which teachers have shared in the past.
Please feel free to add your own resources to the Padlet.

Resource Padlet