NZALT 2024 Conference Awards - closing date

All Day

Closing Dates

30 awards of up to $1000 will be offered to support teachers to attend the 2024 NZALT conference in Auckland, 6th-9th July. Applications must be submitted by Thursday, 29 February. Priority will be given to teachers outside the greater Auckland region.

These awards can be used to reimburse return flights and accommodation in Auckland. The awards are not for registration fees. We strongly advise teachers to make the most of the ultra early bird registration fee before 29th February. If the award application is successful, participants must pay for their accommodation in advance and submit their receipts (flights and accommodation) no later than Friday, 15 March, for reimbursement.

PLEASE NOTE: These awards are funded from our current NEX contract with the MoE, which must be spent by the end of March. For this reason, no reimbursements will be made for any receipts received after 15 March.

More information and the application form can be found on our website.
